- Having only written two (non-live) posts (three if you count this filler post), what makes me think I'm ready to blog live? Why not let the more experienced Mustache of Understanding tackle Meet the Press?
- I'm not a multitasker. In fact, I'm not sure I've ever seen surfed the web while watching TV. (I lead a very cautious life.) What makes me think I'll be able to follow the action, think of something moderately clever or interesting to say, and type all at the same time? What if I become so mesmerized by Friedman's fellow panelist The Legendary Bob Woodward ("OMG - that's the guy who broke open Watergate") that I forget why I'm watching in the first place?
- Isn't my life better for the fact that I've never actually watched Meet the Press before? Don't I have anything better to do on a Sunday morning?*
So tune in to this page at 9:00 AM tomorrow for FTF's first live blogging extravaganza!* And if all goes well, maybe I'll also live blog the finale of Lost tomorrow since I don't watch that show either.
*Disclaimer: If the weather is really nice and my daughter wants to go the park, I may not actually "live" blog. But at the very least, I will TIVO Meet the Press and try my best to write a snarky play-by-play at some point tomorrow.
Live! Humph.